We do what we can indoors to reduce our carbon footprint–from using energy-efficient light bulbs to recycling
bottles and cans. But what about our yards? How can we make our lawn the envy of the neighborhood without disrupting the ecosystem? Of course, you can always opt for low-level ground cover, gravel and rock gardens, and even letting your lawn go wild. But if you love the feel of lush grass under your feet, there are many Eco-friendly ways to keep your lawn green without harming our precious planet.
Water wisely. It’s easy to be wasteful when we water the yard, so the first rule of thumb is to water only when necessary. Consider collecting rainwater to use for irrigating. You can direct rain from your gutters and downspouts directly onto the lawn or garden—or collect it in rain barrels. Not only is it good for the environment, but it will save you money!
Other ways to water wisely:
• Water early in the morning when it’s cooler out and the moisture is less likely to evaporate.
• Make sure your sprinklers are set up correctly—they should be watering the grass, not sidewalks or driveways.
• Choose plants and grasses that are drought and heat tolerant.
More trees, please! Yards that have vast grassy areas are the hardest to maintain. By adding more trees and plants to your landscaping, you’ll break up these areas. Plus, trees provide shade that naturally keeps the grass from drying out, and therefore, less watering is required.
Know how to mow. Cars aren’t our only possessions that are gas guzzlers. Lawn mowers, edgers, trimmers, and blowers also pollute. Get rid of the gas mower and try one that is battery powered or electric. Many people have turned to hand-powered mowers—they come in handy for smaller lawns and cost little to maintain.
More about mowing. Less is more when it comes to mowing—taller grass gives the appearance of a thick, lush lawn. That’s right–mow less and your lawn looks more lush! Also, longer grass retains water better, prevents the soil from drying out as quickly, and helps to crowd out unwanted weeds.
Make the most of mulching. A mower with a mulching blade returns the clippings to the lawn where they will break down and provide natural—and free—nutrients. You can also compost the clippings to feed your garden.
Florida Landscape & Lawn Care
Great lawn care orlando fl
Call us today at 321-257-8320 for more ways to help keep your lawn—and the planet—green.